Počkaj d.o.o je pridobila sredstva programa za podporo zagonskim, mikro, malim in srednjim podjetjem pri strateški trajnostni in krožni transformaciji poslovanja.
PodjetjePočkaj d.o.o. je bilo uspešno pri pridobitvi projekta podpore zagonskim, mikro, malim in srednjim podjetjem pri strateški trajnostni in krožni transformaciji poslovanja v okviru programa Akademije trajnostne in krožne transformacije. Projekt je financiran s strani SPIRIT-a Slovenija. V okviru faze A projekta bomo pripravili trajnostno in krožno strategijo družbe. Projekt financira Evropska unija v okviru NextGenerationEU programa.
Pockaj d.o.o. has obtained funding from the program to support startups, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in strategic sustainable and circular business transformation. The company Pockaj d.o.o. has been successful in obtaining support for the project aimed at supporting startups, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in strategic sustainable and circular business transformation within the framework of the Sustainable and Circular Transformation Academy program. The project is funded by SPIRIT Slovenia. Within Phase A of the project, we will develop the company’s sustainable and circular strategy. The project is funded by the European Union under the NextGenerationEU program.