Počkaj d.o.o je pridobila sredstva programa za podporo zagonskim, mikro, malim in srednjim podjetjem pri strateški trajnostni in krožni transformaciji poslovanja.PodjetjePočkaj d.o.o. je bilo uspešno pri pridobitvi projekta podpore zagonskim, mikro, malim in srednjim podjetjem pri strateški trajnostni in krožni transformaciji poslovanja v okviru programa...

This year kicked off remarkably well for Alfastreet Colombia, led by Alexander RodriguezIllera, setting a promising tone for the new season. The success continued to roll in followingthe GAT Expo Cartagena, held between March 29-30. Alfastreet once again showcased itshighly competitive products that delight customers...

After almost three years of exhibition pause for Alfastreet, we came back with a successful and fruitful three days at London ICE 2023. Our goal was to present all the novelties we were preparing in those years – hardware and also software implementations that are...